Monday, July 16, 2007

my new favorite t-shirt

I had been thinking of making one myself. Tonight I did a quick search and found the folks at the California Lyme Disease Association have gone and done it for me. I hope they don't mind my uploading a picture of their "Ticks Suck" t-shirt.

How great is that? I'll tell ya how great. It's super great with great big sprinkles on top. I love creative education/awareness tools. I still have a PSA in the works for my local radio station (hoping to find someone to do a spanish version too), and now I'm planning on getting me one of these snappy t-shirts as well. And maybe some as Christmas presents for a few of the many folks I know who have or had Lyme.

Oh yeah, and one for my advisor, who has had to live with MY Lyme Disease and the effects of it on my progress as her PhD student. I went from having two very productive years which resulted in contributing to 3 publications, and now I'm barely inching my way towards a dissertation proposal draft.

1 comment:

Bubblewench said...

Great shirt! My mom has lyme.